राष्ट्रीय (13/12/2013) 

What is Memory?  Memory is nothing but recalling the known fact which is stored in our brain. Many people now a days are suffering with mismanagement of memory like they cant recall where they put the keys, what they read in the book,  they cant remember peoples names & faces and phone numbers.

        For your surprise there is a guy who can remember more than 1000 decimal digits, words, images, playing cards in a sequence and Historical facts& figures within minutes of time. He is Rajendra jain from Andra  Pradesh(Nellore). Rajendra jain is a Mind sport athlete since 2009. So many National records & achievements  in memory since past 4 years today he become International master of memory in World Memory Championship in London. In past 10 yrs he is the first Grand master of memory from India before that they were two  only. 

       According to him the memory is naturally good for everyone but because of the mis management of our brain we are having poor recalling of the information. Generally the forgetfulness occurs because of absent mindedness of that particular time. Doing two jobs at one moment will create absent mindedness. 

          Today the mobile generation is trying to do a job in a multi tasking way but the brain will accept only one job at one moment only. If we try to do more than one job at a time definitely we will face the forgetfulness . We can improve our recalling system by little practice with simple memory techniques . No need of medicine, no yoga, no mantra are needed, only by practice we can improve it. 

       Recently Rajendra jain has Achieved Grand master norm in London by memorizing 1000 random decimal digits and 520 random playing cards in 1 hour. Out of 33 countries team India stood 9th place.Now his vision is towards development of Educational learning systems in India.

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